Saturday, September 5, 2009

Homeless No More

Fast and free she floated
Above the encampment
Blue tarps
A soiled Spiderman blanket
Two cups
One needle
Two blows
Violently vacant

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Friendly naïve
Hunter grand
Point me in the direction
Of Orion.
Celestial asterism
Three kings
Three sisters
Sweep across the heavens
Guide me on my quest
Towards home.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


One vile full
One sacred vile
Has spilt crimson
Upon the earth
Seeping liquid
Into its pores
The souls of sons
Forever lost
On Sudanese soil.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Gentle night
Softly sleeping
Angry sky
Open to morning
And another day
On the street
Hopeful for the dawn
Hopeful for the sun
Hopeful for a time
When the gentle night
Begets hearth and home
Life sans angry sky.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stop the Pain

Stop the pain
Beating in his heart again
Stop the fear
And make it gone
Take the time
From the cell phone, TV,
Dead end peace talks
Take the time
And make it gone

Wipe her tears
Child of no one desert calling
Wipe her tears
And give her hope
Teach them all
The ones who live there
And their callers
Teach them all
To realize

Hide your lies
Painted on pictures smiling children
Hide your lies
And tell no more
Give them hope
Those who anguish
You who trifle
Give them hope
And step aside.


Affliction, agony, anguish
Deceit, deception, despair
Grief, heartache, torture
Wretchedness sans repair

Suffer not the consequences
Of the world you make
Martyr not your Brutus
Sprawled on wooden stake

Omnipotent, dynamic, forceful
Precursor, piety, greed
Of all the gold in Africa
Of all the lives in need

Call off the Druks
Cast guns aside
Uncross the path
Where worlds collide

Hold hope to heart
Give feed to birth
Give chance to life
Give all their worth.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Poem: Teach Me

The mind is tool
Breeds peace but knows no love
There is no deed
To help one rise above

You’re holding back
And the reason just doesn’t fit
The world is lost
And you’ve no time for it.

You thought you’d hide away
Your words are deep
But your mind
It just won’t play

Grace is unknown
A word that builds true peace without
Harbors our doubt

Your road is long
Can you find the end
Will peace play through
To back from wince you send.

Touch me
Tell me that the world will find
Need me
Guide me to the end of time
Tell me
How to find there is enough
Show me
How to save mankind
Teach me
Where true peace I’ll find.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Freedom Lost

Human rights watch
As time ticks away
Broken promises on the backs of children
Forced labor
Here in freedom
Misnomer at best
For what know they
Of freedom found
Or freedom lost
And what know we
Of life, liberty and the freedom
Guaranteed by our forefathers
But so easily taken away.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Winter white snowflakes falling down
On a sea of green
Dancing violets hazy blue
Lost inside a dream
Children’s laughter high and light
Circles all inside
Fill our ears with happy bleam
And save this turning tide.


Winter white snowflakes falling down
On a sea of green
Dancing violets hazy blue
Lost inside a dream
Children’s laughter high and light
Circles all inside
Fill our ears with happy bleam
And save this turning tide.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

She's Gone

It was a hot and dry September morn
When they locked lives and she was born
Sun was beating on the ground
What once was lost can not be found
It’s gone.

Red light ‘bove the street below
The clock struck 12 it’s time to go
Broken viles and sweat and tears
Broken wings and angel fears
It’s gone.

He’s in her heart
Under one sky
She’ll never live
To hear his lies
It’s gone.

Brilliant green reflects the day
Night keeps demons far away
Rainbow ‘neath the pot of gold
Story new but ages old
It’s gone.

Remember her when he walks by
Remember not and don’t ask why
Take her home if in your mind
And in his heart a peace you’ll find
Only it’s gone.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mole People

Deep under the catacombs
Of train and subway tunnels
That run the span of the city
Eighty times and back again
And seven stories deep.
Dark, damp and abandoned
Live a people
Derelict, dirty and isolated.
Self-exiled from the dangers above
Ranks in the thousands
Mole people
Never counted
Never count
Ask and they don’t exist
Least fear creeps above
Glowing eyes under trains.
What if that were you?

Monday, February 9, 2009


What is the next step
When the factories have gone
And the steel mills have closed
And the mighty smoke stacks of Allentown
Cease to billow and blow?

When Flint is a ghost town
And Sacramento is gridlocked in red ink
When prisons reap more than schoolhouses
And a dollar won’t buy a cup of coffee
Here or in a third world country?

The next step is to stand
To rise above the masked oppression
The next step is to take back our freedom
And live the lives our forefathers intended…
Or is this it?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here are the blogs I love:

1. Poetic Dream

2. The Truth to Some Extent


4. Untold Tales

...and many others.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Auntie Maya

On the corner
Outside the market
Near the trash can
Where the needles land
Sits Auntie Maya.
Regal as her name
Mighty in her stature
Five foot nothing
And just as wide.
She’s got change
For the faded gumballs
The after school crowd likes so much
They take her change
Or give her theirs spare
Buy the balls
Then dip ‘um in X
Float in the clouds o
Red, blue and green.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Poem: One More for the Road

They laid her out
A final rest on a cold slab
A man in a whit coat
A curtain pulled
One last look
Ashen, frigid, stiff
A lifeless vessel
Expertly averted eyes
A nod and it’s done
One more for the road

Monday, January 19, 2009

America is back

On this dawn of a new hope
A new light...
A new truth...
Let freedom ring.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Poem: There is a Time

There is a time for looking outward
A time for looking in
There is a time for growing older
And a time for living sin.

There is a time for stands united
A time to admit the fall
There is a time for glancing backward
And a time to accept the call.

Please bend for America
Live up to her name.
Fix your broken promises
Except your rightful blame.

There is a time for being silent
A time for righteous voice
There is a time for peaceful protest
And a time to make a choice.

There is a time for doing nothing
A time to make amends
There is a time for standing rigid
And a time the branch must bend.

Please bend for America
Live up to her name.
Fix your broken promises
Except your rightful blame.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Poem: The End of the Small Town

Build on the backs of our fathers
Small towns from sea to sea
A symbol of hard work and freedom
Things our children may never see.
Small towns erased from our memories
Crowded streets and congestion all
My kingdom for the country
Not another mall.

Poem: The New Game

The world sits courtside
Fixed for news
Of their favorite team
High def visions
From across the world
Winner take all.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Poem: Old Glory

Glorious in daunted blues
Victorious in red
Tattered edges
Blowing free
Living past the dead.
Draped for freedom
Covering truth
A doubled meaning lies
Glorious in daunted blues
Victorious in red
Tattered edges
Blowing free
Living past the dead.